GUI programs created with Qt can have a native-looking interface, in which case Qt is classified as a widget toolkit.
Qt uses standard C++ with extensions including signals and slots that simplify handling of events, and this helps in development of both GUI and server applications which receive their own set of event information and should process them accordingly. Qt supports many compilers, including the GCC C++ compiler and the Visual Studio suite.
Qt also provides Qt Quick, that includes a declarative scripting language called QML that allows using JavaScript to provide the logic.
With Qt Quick, rapid application development for mobile devices became possible, although logic can be written with native code as well to achieve the best possible performance.
Qt can be used in several other programming languages via language bindings. It runs on the major desktop platforms and some of the mobile platforms.
It has extensive internationalization support. Non-GUI features include SQL database access, XML parsing, JSON parsing, thread management and network support.
Historic of Qt
- Qt1
- 1995 first public release
- 1997 KDE launched by Matthias Ettrich.
- Qt2 – 1999 Qt/Embedded / now Qtopia
- Qt3 – 2001 – QT supported on MAC OSX
- Qt4 – New rendering engine (Arthur7) – Qt is now composed with several modules :
- QtCore : non graphical function used by toher modules
- QtGui : graphic component
- QtNetwork : networking module;
- QtOpenGL : OpenGL module;
- QtSql : Database access using SQL ;
- QtXml : XML files management ;
- QtDesigner : extend fucntionalities of Qt Designer, a wizard to create graphical user interface;
- QtAssistant : for using Qt help;
- Qt3Support : Backward compatibility with Qt 3.
- QAxContainer et QaxServer : two other modules (dedicated for usage of ActiveX) for the commercial version of Qt for Windows.
With evolution of Qt 4, others modules are created : - QtDBus : for process communication using D-Bus (only for Unix from Qt 4.2) ;
- QtSvg : Manage SVG image from Qt 4.1;
- QtUiTools : to load dynamicly the graphics user interface designed with Qt Designer from Qt 4.1 ;
- QtTest : to make unit test from Qt 4.1 ;
- QtScript : to evaluate scipts using Qt Script from Qt 4.3;
- QtWebKit : porting of web rendering engine WebKit from Qt 4.4 ;
- QtXmlPatterns : to manipulate XML documents via Xquery, Xpath from Qt 4.4 ;
- Phonon : integration of Phonon, a multimedia framework of KDE 4, developped in collaboration with KDE community from Qt 4.4 ;
- QtHelp , QtScriptTools , QtMultimedia , QtOpenVG and QtDeclarative : used to create dynamic graphic interface with a declarive language QML from Qt 4.7.
- In 2008, Qt is buy by Nokia who introduce a new licence LGPL and open the development for external developpers ;
- Qt5, released in 2012, no more compatbility with QT4.
- Qt 6.0 was officially released on December 8, 2020. This release marked a significant milestone for the Qt framework, introducing many new features, improvements, and changes compared to the previous Qt 5.x series.
QMake vs Cmake… And Qbs
Qmake & CmakeBoth are build systems, but they’re not very similar at all. If your project uses Qt, you’re probably best off using qmake. CMake is more generic, and fits pretty much any type of project.
Both qmake and CMake generate a Makefile, which is read by make to build the project. Not all build systems generate a Makefile, but many do. Even a Makefile is a type of build system; it tells the compiler and linker what to do, in order to create an executable (or a dynamic or static library).
Qt is wanting a portable development environment and having the MOC as an intermediate step before building phase / linking, it was necessary to design a specific production engine. Thus was conceived the qmake program.
It takes an input file (extension .pro) describing the project (list of source files, dependencies, compiler flags, etc.) and generates a specific project file to the platform. Thus, under UNIX systems qmake generates a Makefile that contains the list of commands to be executed for generating an executable, except for specific steps to Qt (generation C ++ classes in the graphical interface design with Qt Designer generation C ++ code to link the signals and slots, adding a file to the project, etc.).
The project file is made to be easily editable by a developer. It consists of a series of variable assignments. An example for a small project:
TARGET = monAppli SOURCES = main.cpp mainwindow.cpp HEADERS = mainwindow.h FORMS = mainwindow.ui QT += sql
If your project uses Qt, but you don’t want to use qmake, you’ll have to do a few more things yourself:
running the Meta Object Compiler (MOC)
include paths (tell the compiler where to look for Qt headers)
linking (tell the linker where to look for Qt libraries)
So, you’ll have to do a bit more work to build a Qt project without qmake, but it is possible and it will teach you a lot about how Qt and qmake do things.
Exemple of using CMake for Qt projects. Specifically, we have the following in CmakeLists.txt:
set(QT_VERSION_REQ "5.2") set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) find_package(Qt5Core ${QT_VERSION_REQ} REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5Quick ${QT_VERSION_REQ} REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5Widgets ${QT_VERSION_REQ} REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5Gui ${QT_VERSION_REQ} REQUIRED) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) QT5_WRAP_UI( UI_HDRS ${UI_FILES} ) ADD_EXECUTABLE(${MOC_HEADERS}) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::Core Qt5::Quick Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Gui )
Some words about qbs, which is supposed to be a better qmake.
Qbs is a tool that helps simplify the build process for developing projects across multiple platforms. Qbs can be used for any software project, regardless of programming language, toolkit, or libraries used.
Qbs is an all-in-one tool that generates a build graph from a high-level project description (like qmake or CMake) and additionally undertakes the task of executing the commands in the low-level build graph (like make).
Qbs builds applications based on the information in a project file that you specify in a QML dialect. Each project file specifies one project that can contain several products. You specify the type of the product: application, library, and so on.
Installation on Windows
The Windows installation is in the form of a conventional installation wizard that downloads new files before installing them.
Qt and Qt Creator
Although it is possible to develop in C ++ with Qt using our IDE (like Code :: Blocks) I highly recommend you to use Qt Creator IDE that we just installed. It is particularly optimized for developing with Qt because it is an all-in-one program which includes among others :
an IDE for developing C ++, optimized to compile projects using Qt (no tedious configuration);
a window editor, which makes it easy to draw the contents of the interfaces to the mouse;
an indispensable documentation on Qt.
Here’s what Qt Creator looks when you launch the first (figure below). You can start to try to compile and execute Qt Sample Application.
Qt creator, and a impressive list of samples !
The C++ Source Code on a Qt sample application.
A executable of Qt Sample : some 3D object
Qt 6
Qt 6 brings several notable improvements over Qt 5:
- Modularization: Qt 6 offers a more modular architecture, enabling better dependency management and reducing application footprint by allowing developers to include only necessary modules.
- C++11 Compliance: Qt 6 mandates C++11 compliance, providing access to modern C++ features for enhanced performance, readability, and maintainability compared to Qt 5’s support for older C++ standards.
- Graphics Architecture: Introducing the Graphics abstraction layer (RHI), Qt 6 facilitates seamless utilization of modern graphics APIs like Vulkan, Metal, and Direct3D 12 alongside legacy APIs like OpenGL, enabling applications to leverage the latest graphics technology.
- Deprecation Cleanup: Qt 6 removes deprecated features from Qt 5, streamlining the framework and introducing more efficient alternatives to ensure long-term maintainability.
- Enhanced Tooling: Qt 6 boasts improved tooling support, including enhancements to Qt Creator, making it easier for developers to build, debug, and deploy applications with better integration into modern development workflows and tools.
- Platform Support: While Qt 6 maintains broad platform support across desktop, mobile, and embedded systems, it prioritizes modern platforms and technologies over Qt 5, aligning with evolving industry standards and practices.